EquaLearning New Feature Release Notes
February 2022 Updates
- Equalearning Web Portal
- iOS APP V2.5.4 Release
- Android APP V2.19.7 Release
Hello Everyone,
We have just released a few new features to our platform that were highly requested in recent months. We have now added the feature to display a red dot to serve as the notification for unread items in student/trainees account. This feature was added to the web portal as well as the mobile APP.
We have also added a browser popup when users click their browser Back or Refresh button during a lesson or assignment. This will prevent any mistaken clicks that could otherwise lose progress in lessons or assignments.
We at Equalearning hope you are having a year so far, and we will soon be announcing new UI updates to student accounts in both web browser and mobile APP.
January 2022 Updates
- iOS APP V2.5.3 Release
- Android APP V2.19.6 Release
Greeting Everyone.
We have just deployed a small update feature today that allows APP end user to change their avatar. This is a small update but hopefully a very useful one for our users and students.
That’s all for now. Happy Chinese New Year!
Equalearning Web Portal
Hello Everyone,
We are very excited to announce the first round of our platform’s UI/UX redesign. As of today, this new update affects the Teacher/Trainer and Student/User pages for both Teacher/Trainer and Admin accounts.
There is the option to view these pages in either “tile view” or “list view” by simply clicking the View Mode icons.
We hope you find this new update both pleasing to the eye and more efficient in access data in your accounts.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Equalearning Web Portal
Greetings All,
We have just added another updated feature, this time for Account Administrators. This new feature enables account admins to control the display of icons on session displayed in both desktop/web as well as in the Equalearning or other Channel Account apps.
We hope that this features adds more customizability and makes it easier for each account admin to decide which icons are necessary for users to access.
With this new feature, you can choose which icons to display, so if you find some features unnecessary you can just click to turn them off.
We hope you find this useful. We have more updates to share coming this month.
Equalearning Web Portal
Greetings Everyone,
We added another new feature to display test records for certificates and certified courses in your Detailed Report. You can find this now by navigating to the Reports tab in your menu, and searching there.
We hope this helps you to keep accurate records of all course completions for your students and/or trainees.
Equalearning Web Portal
Hello Everyone,
We hope you are enjoying the new year already! To kick off 2022, we have added another new feature to allow teachers and trainers to select a different canvas ratio for lesson content creation. We hope this will make the content creation easier and more efficient for you all.
We have more updates coming soon as well. Happy New Year 2022!
December 2021 Updates
Equalearning Web Portal
Happy New Year!
Before the year of 2021 ends we wanted to add one more new feature to send email notifications to teachers/trainers when students/users completes sessions. This will allow you, the teacher or trainer, to know immediately when your students or trainees complete a session so that you can better stay on top of their progress.
That is all for 2021, and we at Equalearning want to wish you a Happy New Year!
Equalearning Web Portal
Hello Everyone,
We have added a new feature to allow Admins to select a default session and default class for new users activated immediately upon registering to the school. Admins can also choose to move user to another class when he completes the default session.
This should help the Admin to locate and properly place new account users with ease. We hope you enjoy this new feature.
November 2021 Updates
Equalearning Web Portal
Hello Everyone,
We have a small update to channel accounts released today. This update adds a feature that restricts the customized domain to be accessibly only for users under certain Channel, Organization, or School accounts. This should help to streamline the larger accounts to make custom domains more simple.
Thank you everyone.
Equalearning Web Portal
Greetings All,
We have another new feature update we want to share with you all that went live today. We have added a new feature to make the work of Admins go a bit more smoothly.
The new feature enables Admins to batch delete students and trainees. If you have students or trainees and clients that are no longer with your account, you can simply click the box on the left of each student or trainee you wish to delete and click the “Delete” button on the upper righthand side.
And that’s it! A simple feature that is now live. We hope this helps you and makes life a bit easier.
That’s all for now. Goodbye!
- Equalearning Web Portal
Hello Everyone,
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new Admin Dashboard, found as the homepage of the Administrator role in the Equalearning web portal. The dashboard is designed to show you, like the Teacher/Trainer dashboard, important information about your account at a glance.
At the top of the dashboard you will find a quick view of your Total Classes, Total Students (or trainees), as well as the amount of data storage you have in your account. Next to that you will see Session Statistics, or “Session Stats”, that displays all the sessions in your account and how many are active, suspended, expired, or completed.
Another great premium feature we have is the log in analytics chart displayed prominently at the top of the dashboard. This is a premium feature and must be activated in your account. (If you do not have access, please contact your representative to see how you can add log in analytics to your account.)
On the bottom of the dashboard display you will find quick views of Lesson Content and a Sessions List, which by default display the most recent activity in these areas of your account.
We hope you find the recent addition useful to your work, and as always let us know if you have any questions.
Goodbye for now!
October 2021 Updates
- Equalearning Web Portal
- iOS APP V2.4.6 Release
- Android APP V2.19.2 Release
Hello Everyone,
We are pleased to announce a couple of new features that have gone live today. If you do not see these features on your account, please contact your representative to ask about adding the feature on to your account.
The first is the new attendance report. This will be found by teachers and trainers in their “Reports” tab in the functions menu. This report will help teachers and trainers keep track of attendance at a glance.
The second feature we have released is something for your students or client trainees. Now for each session, the student or trainee is able to check in and check out of the session with the simple scan of a QR code. We hope this makes both session attendance and attendance tracking smoother and simpler for everyone.
That’s all for now. Let us know if you have any questions.
Equalearning Web Portal
Hello Everyone,
We are pleased to announce that we have moved our Help files location to this easy side panel so you can now multitask as you seek help in our system. The Help files are now accessible only within your platform, and accessed by simply clicking on the blue question mark icon at the bottom left of the functions menu.
Our hope is that now, while you work on something in the platform, you can also have the Help files running in a side panel, allowing a multitask feature. We hope you enjoy this new feature, and keep your eyes open as we continue to add new features in the coming weeks.
Also check out some new updates we made earlier today to the mobile UI of your platform. This should be a smoother and more user-friendly design.
Until next, see you!
- iOS APP V2.4.5 Release
- Android APP V2.19.1 Release
Greetings All,
We have another major UI update to share with you. We have made the big decision to redesign the mobile UI for the platform. This new update will give your content a prettier look for your students and trainees, and should make usability much smoother. This new update adjusts the student and trainee side to provide more screen are for all content, especially assessment questions, with the option to hide/display the operation bar.
We have more updates coming soon to our Help Files. We should be announcing these changes within the week so keep a look out.
That’s all for now. Have a pleasant week!
September 2021 Updates
Equalearning Web Portal
Hello Everybody!
A little bit of a surprise, but we have a big one for you! If you haven’t noticed already, we had added a new feature that will make the job of Teacher & Trainer role a bit easier and effective.
Now, when you log in as a Teacher or Trainer, you get a dashboard that has a bit more visual effects to help you get a quick glance of what is going on with your students, classes, and sessions.
We have also moved the Help files button to the bottom left of the menu bar, and now your profile, role switch, and log out capabilities will be located on the bottom left.
We apologize for any disruption this may cause, but we know you will like it!
Keep a look out for new features, including a comprehensive Admin dashboard coming soon!
Equalearning Web Portal
Happy September everyone! Just as the weather changes day-by-day, we at Equalearning have a few more changes to our base platform. We have heard from a few of you that it would be great if the Account Admin could create class groups that included different teachers – so we listened, and have delivered! As the saying goes, “Ask and you shall receive”.
Moving forward, when the Account Admin creates a new class group, they may create class groups with classes from different teachers. Simply choose which teacher or trainer you want from the dropdown list and you are ready to go!
As well, we also added a new feature that allows you to see the names of students with longer names. Simply navigate to the “view student answers page” to see a tool tip that can display long student names.
That is all for now everyone, but keep your eyes peeled from some big changes to our base platform coming soon!
As always, reach out with any questions or special feature requests.
August 2021 Updates
Equalearning Web Portal
Hello to all in the Equalearning Family! We have some truly exciting update announcements to make. We have a new menu UI and are working on several other general UI updates to the platform. We will remain bespoke in nature, allowing our clients to request customized layouts and features, but we feel these general UI updates are good upgrades to implement across the board.
If you have logged in recently you have already seen the new menu. Aside from the layout and new user experience, we have also added a new feature allowing teachers to limit the number of students who can join a class. This is a great new feature to ensure that nobody can accidently give you more students in a class, and no more students can add themselves when a limit is put in place.
Also, this new class limit feature includes a notification alerting you to when a class has reached its limit.
We are currently working on new platform-wide features for our current clients, including an automatic attendance tracker to link to the gradebook, a new homepage dashboard, and other major UI updates.
Stay tuned and as always, let us know if you have any questions.
Equalearning Web Portal
iOS APP V2.4.3 Release
Android APP V2.18.7 Release
Hello Everyone,
We have yet another exciting update to our LMS platform that just launched today. We have now added a new feature to allow students to upload documents to a blank slide in their lesson. This can be done with any session type and can allow instructors to see a variety of work from their students outside of basic online assessments and materials.
Students can now share art, handwritten assignments, or any variety of information with their instructor. Upload documents, images, or audio files. This allows for more interactivity in an online setting, and a creative way to upload assignments.
At the same time, we have also created a feature that allows admins and teachers to delete files assigned to students. This feature was requested in case a file is no longer needed, or in case the wrong file was accidentally assigned to students.
We hope you find these new features useful, and as always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Equalearning Web Portal
Greetings all,
We hope your month of August is already off to a great start. We have an exciting new feature to share with you all. In the recent past some of you have asked for a new function to enable Teacher/Trainer/Editor roles to share a document or video directly to a student/trainee/user. We now have this function, and the best news is it is as simple to use as anything.
To share a file directly with a student/trainee/user, simply login to your account on the web portal and navigate to the “Student” section. Click on the “file” icon on the far right side of the selected student/trainee/user, and then click add.
A new window will pop up allowing you to choose to at a document or video. Select that option, then choose the file or video from your library or your device. Once selected, simply click “Save” and your student/trainee/user will have instant access to this file in their account. For them to access, they just navigate to their profile, click “Personal Files”, and they can now view the file by clicking on the far right side magnifier icon – view. The file will then open.
We hope you all enjoy this new feature and as always, let us know if you have any questions. Until next time,
July 2021 Updates
Equalearning Web Portal
iOS APP V2.4.1 Release
Android APP V2.18.4 Release
Greetings Everyone,
We are excited to share that we have added another great feature that will surely aide our school-based clients and many of our corporate trainers as well. As of today we have released a preview of the Grade Book, offering both basic and detailed reports on student/trainee coursework for both accredited and non-accredited education institutions.
This new feature allows teachers to generate grades for their students at the click of a button, saving teachers time and offering more support to their students. The reports are generated by teachers automatically, and are easily shared with students who can log in and view their grades at the touch of a button.
This new feature will be added to new accounts and previous accounts soon.
That’s all for now. Stay tuned for more releases coming your way soon!
iOS APP V2.3.98 Release
Android APP V2.18.2 Release
Hello All,
An important update to our software was released today which expands Equalearning’s offline capabilities. For iOS devices, we have added the feature to enable downloaded course books to be read from external storage devices. This means you can download course books to a USB or SD card, plug it into your phone or tablet, and read the materials with no internet connection. This will serve very well in areas with limited or no internet capabilities by providing a new way to share and download course book material to the iOS device.
To access this feature on the APP home screen, before you log in, simply click on the bottom setting “Cloud: United States” and open to see the screen shown on the right. Now, simply plug in your usb or SD card and click on “SD Card” button on the left of “settings”. And there you go! That’s all there is to it.
But that’s not all. This new feature works on Android just as well, but now we have added a feature that allows Android devices to export course book answers to external storage so that they can uploaded with another Android device. This enables course books to act as full exams with feedback completely offline in areas where internet is the main issue.
We hope you are all able to take full advantage of these new features and as always, let us know if you have any questions.
June 2021 Updates
Equalearning Web Portal
Greetings everyone! We are back with a major update to our lesson content building feature in the Equalearning Web Portal. This is a major update to how teachers will create lesson content and we are very excited to share the news with you.
As a major update, this will add new features, but also significant changes, to how teachers will create lesson content in the web portal. The interface looks different, and we will update our Help Files to discuss these changes in more depth, but in brief, here is an overview of the updates we have made.
We have moved the right click options to the menu bar for slide editing, so it is more simple and clear to add questions, text, images, and other edits to each slide.
We have added
a more convenient and light text editing option to teachers.
the function to hide/display the Slide list area
the option to add new slide to different position in the slide list
We will have the new Help File videos up soon, but please take the time to play with the new lesson content features, and as always, let us know if you have any questions.
Equalearning Web Portal
iOS APP V2.3.96 Release
Android APP V2.18.1 Release
Greetings everyone! We have a new update released today that will add some more customizability to the Coursebooks and Certified Courses that Admins create in the Library for students.
The first addition is the ability to allow students to retake the certified course if they fail to pass it the first time around. This feature will likely be useful when you employ your certified courses as exams or other type of assessment.
To add this new feature, from the School Admin role, please find the certified course in your library and click on it to show the settings. Under the same area where you can click to allow changing answers, you can now select the option to allow students to “re-test when fail”.
When this option is selected, upon finishing the course, the student will receive a notification upon completion that they have either failed, in which they can select to test again, or a congratulatory notification telling them they have passed the course and can now view their results.
We hope you find this feature useful and get to using it right away. As always let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and wish you a happy Summer!
May 2021 Updates
Equalearning Portal
Greetings Everyone,
We are happy to share a small new feature we have added to make communication with students much easier. We have enabled the ability to send a mass email to every student in a class or class group with the simple click of a button.
You can locate this new feature when logged in as either Teacher or Admin role. Simply click on the “Classes” link in the action menu, and click on then envelope icon at the far right side of the class row.
Now simply click, write your email, and send to everyone in that class or class group.
We hope you enjoy and look forward to sharing more updates with you all soon.
April 2021 Updates
iOS APP V2.3.95 Release
Android APP V2.17.9 Release
Hello All,
We have changed the overall design of our mobile layout. The icons were previously a bit chunky and not as user-friendly as we would have liked, so we changed it all.
This update to the APP uses a new set of icon that will hopefully improve the user experience of your accounts.
We hope you enjoy!
Equalearning Web Portal
iOS APP V2.3.93 Release
Android APP V2.17.8 Release
Greetings all and Happy Springtime! We have some exciting new features we have added to the platform just this past week.
First, we have added the feature for System Admins, Channel Admins, and Organization Admins to check user passwords and help them to change or simply look up. This can save some valuable time when a password is forgotten but not wanted to change.
Next, we added a Sign Up feature to the web portal. This way, new users can sign up for an account with your school, business, or organization quickly and easily not just with the APP, but with their desktop as well.
Next, we have added what is sure to be one of the most popular features of our platform thus far – a shareable short link for your session. This enables your audience to quickly join your session with a quick scan of a QR code with their mobile phone’s camera. You have the option to choose Private, so only users with accounts can view, or public, enabling absolutely anyone to view and interact in your session.
This features is available for teachers in Lesson Content creation as a new slide feature, and below is an example of the warning message users will see if they have not spent enough time on that particular slide.
That’s all for today, but we will have more to add be the end of this month.
Stay tuned!
Greetings All!
Today we have released a small new feature that enables System Admin, Channel Admin, and Organization Accounts to display class count, teacher count, and user/student count of all School Accounts.
This way when you log in as a System, Channel Account, or Organization Account user, you can view your multiple schools or business and their activity at a quick glance, saving you time and energy in keeping tabs of all user accounts in your network.
That’s all for this week, but stay tuned for more updates to come.
Hello Everyone,
We have a couple of new feature releases today to share with you. These will no doubt simplify your experience and enhance your abilities to use our platform effectively.
The first is an slight edit that mark all the past sessions that have been completed and hides them on your users’ “Lecture” tab. This way users will only see upcoming or recurring lectures.
Our second feature release includes the new ability to sync with Google Analytics to track your account users experience so you can easily track their activity and frequency, simplifying the ability to see how often users login and when/if they miss any lectures or sessions.
This latter feature is exclusive found within
System Admin/ Channel Admin/ Organization Admin Edit Account pages.
Please contact us to implement this new feature if you are NOT a Channel Account.
That’s all for today, but you can expect at least one more update later this month.
March 2021 Updates
Equalearning Web Portal
Hello Friends!
We have some exciting news here at the very tail end of the month of March. We have released the student progress and work report for our teacher accounts. This enables teachers to generate reports based on lessons, tests, quizzes, or other materials shared with students
The reports section can be found on the left side of the action menu – just click on “Reports” and you, as the teacher, can view report results for your students from all self-study, session, course, or course books they have been assigned. The reports show in a glance how much progress the students have made as well as their answers and scores.
We’re very excited to offer this to you all, and as always, stay tuned for more software updates coming your way soon!
Equalearning Mobile Web Portal Update
Hello Everyone,
Today we have released several updates to the Web Portal. The first is an addition of a full screen icon for user accounts when accessing the web portal. This way, users can expand the screen to allow for a clear and bigger full screen view.
We have also added a feature for teachers to start Zoom meetings immediately by pressing the ‘Join Now’ button instead of starting the zoom application. Previously you had to have Zoom open on your device to begin the live sessions, but that is no longer necessary. Everything can now be easily and conveniently controlled from your Equalearning account. Keep in mind, however, that this only works for meetings with same owner as the Zoom API Key setup in school account.
We have also added a feature for clients with customized sites to setup Personal Data Protection Agreement Acknowledgement. With this feature enabled, under this site, student information will have a new line telling whether he has agreed the PDPA. Students who have not agreed the PDPA yet will get a popup after logging in.
That’s all for today. Stay tuned to find out more about exciting release updates!
Equalearning Mobile Web Portal Update
Hello Everyone!
We have another software update to announce this week! We are always adding and improving our platform and happy to do so continually. Today we announce the release of our new UI for mobile web users. Now, when users login to Equalearning from the web portal on their mobile device, the layout is identical to the layout of the Equalearning App.
This will useful for new users who have no downloaded the App, or for users who may wish to login to another device that does not have the App downloaded on it. We breathe a sigh of relief and this can remove yet another obstacle from users logging in an participating in your classes.
We have also updated the session list view for students logging in to mobile web end so that the layout is clearer and easier to navigate.
That’s all for this week, but please keep checking in here for more release update information.
Equalearning Web Portal
iOS APP V2.3.89 Release
Android APP V2.17.4 Release
Hello Everyone and Happy Monday!
Today we have added the option to not display the Complete button when students complete the session. It is now optional so that if the instructor chooses, the Complete button will not display when a student’s session is completed.
Hello everyone!
We are very pleased to share that our web portal login page has been redesigned and updated. Please login just as normal, as there are no new features. Just the design. We are also working on a new design for the m-church portal as well.
Stayed tuned for new updates and releases!
Equalearning APP Updates
iOS APP V2.3.88 Release
Android APP V2.17.3 Release
Hello Everyone,
We have just completed reintroduction of the function that allows Admin & Teacher accounts to view & update the password of teacher and student accounts, provided that their emails have not been verified yet.

We have also added a feature to display student personal files to admin/teacher/student roles inclusively.
We have also added a feature to display personal files to student accounts.
February 2021 Updates
Greetings Friends,
Today we have added a feature for teachers to share Lesson Contents or Content Slides to other teachers within the same school.
The shared Contents/Slides will show up in the Shared tab, though they cannot be edited.
See the screen shot on the right for details.
If you have any questions, let us know.
January 2021 Updates
iOS APP V2.3.85
Android APP V2.17.1
Hello All,
Today we have launched a redesign to our APP login back. We changed the APP login background with a new format, and will be updated our web portal within the next few months to reflect the same design.
We have also added the feature to allow new users to register their account using the APP.
We have also added a Language Selection feature on the Equalearning APP. Right now this included English and Chinese, the latter in both Simplified and Traditional Characters.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Equalearning Web Portal
iOS APP V2.3.84 Release
Android APP V2.16.9 Release
Hello All,
Today we are happy to announce the addition of a new feature that allows one user to have multiple roles in multiple schools on both the Equalearning APP and the web portal.
Users now can verify their email and then login with the verified email, choosing which role to sign in as.
Once signed in, users can easily switch between Admin, Teacher, and Student roles.
Please note though that once logged in as a student, you must log out and log in again as student accounts do not have permissions to switch roles.
As always, let us know if you have any questions.
Equalearning (release on 12/25/2021)
Android APP V2.16.8
iOS APP V2.3.83
Add Calendar feature to the web end so that students can check their course and events schedule.
The New Calendar Function Allows Admin & Teacher to create Calendar events for Students to see.
Add Calendar feature to the APP end so that students can check their course and events schedule.
The calendar function is at the top right of the Web Portal Header.
The Calendar menu is under Certificates
The calendar function is at the top right of the APP.
December 2020 Updates
Admin Account Setting
Dear Friends,
Today we have added a new feature to set a default class for new signup students. Now when new users sign up for an user/student/member account, they will be assigned to the default class of your choosing.
This should help keep you organized as you can always look at your default class to find new users and reassign their class accordingly.
We hope you find it useful. Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Today we added the Calendar feature at web portal end. This allows student/member/users to check their schedule on the web.
This new feature also allows Admin & Teacher accounts to create events in the Calendar.
For student accounts on the web portal, the Calendar icon appears at the upper right corner of Session list page.
For admin and teacher accounts, the Calendar menu is located below Certified Courses in the action menu.
Hope you enjoy!
iOS APP V2.3.82 Release
Android APP V2.16.7 Release
Hello All,
We are excited today to share some new features to our student users in our iOS and Android app. We have added a feature for teachers to setup Session duration so that Session will display more accurately in the new Calendar function.
This also makes the Session duration function visible for students on the app.
The Calendar feature now gives teachers the ability to choose which students should view which events based on the Calendar.
Teachers can choose the time, duration, and other details for sessions ahead of time for students to view.
Web Portal Release | Admin Account Setting
Dear Friends,
Happy December! The holidays are upon, and we have decided to try something new with our release notes. Starting today, we will provide screen shots and more descriptions to our new feature updates to help you, our beloved clients, understand how to use new features. We have a lot planned for 2021, so keep checking this page for info.
Today we have added a new feature to setup default Session order for students in our APP. This should make things easier for admins to navigate sessions, especially for those of you with larger audiences.
Feel free to drop us a line if you have any questions.
11/30/2020 Web Portal Release
Add the feature for student web end to support Zoom Session as well.
A few minor bug fixes.
11/16/2020 Web Portal Release
Adjust the Certificate workflow for better user experience.
A few minor bug fixes.
11/9/2020 Web Portal Release
Add the feature to have the option to set newly signup user as inactive for default.
Add the feature to batch delete slides in detailed mode.
A few minor bug fixes.
11/3/2020 Web Portal Release
Add the feature to allow teacher to batch edit Slides properties.
Increase the max score of a single slide to 100.
10/27/2020 Web Portal Release
Add the feature to hide the school logo from APP end.
Add the feature to display a username watermark at student end.
10/21/2020 Equalearning iOS APP V2.3.76 Release
Fix an issue that Zoom does not work when Zoom waiting room is enabled.
10/21/2020 Equalearning Android APP V2.15.8 Release
Fix an issue that Zoom does not work when Zoom waiting room is enabled.
10/20/2020 Web Portal Release
Add the feature to set meeting password in Session so that students do not need to enter it.
A few minor bug fixes.
10/9/2020 Equalearning iOS APP V2.3.75 Release
Add the feature to display the Session report to student when the Session is completed.
10/9/2020 Equalearning Android APP V2.15.7 Release
Add the feature to display the Session report to student when the Session is completed.
9/30/2020 Web Portal Release
Add the feature to allow teacher to give voice and comment feedback to student answers.
9/28/2020 Web Portal Release
In Lesson Contents, remove the Game type and put Link to Existing Slide there.
9/14/2020 Web Portal Release
Display the question picture on the View Students Answers page for teacher.
Increase the voice recording time to 10 minutes for students.
A few minor bug fixes.
8/31/2020 Web Portal Release
Add the feature to allow question slide to convert to another question type.
8/11/2020 Web Portal Release
Some Adjustments to the View Students Answers page.
A few minor bug fixes.
8/3/2020 Web Portal Release
A few minor bug fixes.
8/3/2020 Equalearning iOS APP V2.3.74 Release
Students are no longer able to view passed Certificate content.
few minor bug fixes.
8/3/2020 Equalearning Android APP V2.15.2 Release
Students are no longer able to view passed Certificate content.
few minor bug fixes.
7/27/2020 Web Portal Release
Add the backend support to reset password.
Add the function to remove the Session when its assigned Class Group/Class/Student Group is deleted.
A few minor bug fixes.
7/27/2020 Equalearning iOS APP V2.3.72 Release
A few minor bug fixes.
7/21/2020 Web Portal Release
Add the Assistant Teacher role.
Coursebook adjustment for Assistant Teacher.
A few minor bug fixes.
7/13/2020 Web Portal Release
Allow Coursebook to be assigned to Class Group, Class and Student Group.
Updates to support iOS UIWebView API change.
A few minor bug fixes.
7/13/2020 Equalearning Android APP V2.15.1 Release
Updates to support iOS UIWebView API change.
A few minor bug fixes.
7/13/2020 Equalearning iOS APP V2.3.71 Release
Replace UI Web View API with WK Web View as Apple is going to deprecating it.
A few minor bug fixes
7/6/2020 Equalearning Android APP V2.14.9 Release
Display the Class Group name for session assigned to Class Group.
Add the new feature that remote session can add the session time to device Calendar.
A few minor bug fixes.
7/6/2020 Equalearning iOS APP V2.3.70 Release
Display the Class Group name for session assigned to Class Group.
Add the new feature that remote session can add the session time to device Calendar.
A few minor bug fixes
6/30/2020 Web Portal Release
Add the new feature that remote session can setup recurring meetings.
Add the new feature to give score to the drawing contents.
A few minor bug fixes.
6/30/2020 Equalearning iOS APP V2.3.69 Release
Fix the issue that Zoom Remote is not working.
A few other minor bug fixes
6/22/2020 Web Portal Release
Add the new feature that Classes for same teacher can be combined into a Class Group so that Session can be assigned to multiple classes at a time.
Distributed Coursebook can also be edited for below contents now:
Lesson – Able to only reorder the lesson list
Teacher can now give score to Blank Slide and Open-Ended Slide Lesson contents as well.
A few minor bug fixes.